Education Week - Kiribati

September 15, 2024

Bikenibeu, Tarawa - 02 October 2024 - This week, as Kiribati celebrates Education Week, we reflect on the vital role education plays in shaping the future of our nation. A quality education equips individuals with knowledge, skills, and values that empower them to contribute meaningfully to their families, communities, and the progress of our society. It opens doors to opportunities, enabling our youth to become active participants not only in national development but also in contributing to global peace and understanding.

But what does it take to ensure that education in Kiribati reaches its fullest potential? One key factor is inclusivity—ensuring that every child, regardless of background, has an equal opportunity to learn and grow. When we nurture an environment where all students can thrive, we are investing in the strength and resilience of our society.

A significant part of fostering this inclusivity is ensuring that both girls and boys have equal access to quality education. By embracing this balance, we create a system that allows every individual to flourish, strengthening the foundations for a more prosperous and united Kiribati.

This Education Week, let’s come together to build an education system that empowers all students to succeed and contributes to a more equitable and unified future for the whole of mankind.


N te wiiki aio, Kiribati e bukamarua Wiikin te Reirei, are tia rinanoa iai aron kakawakin taben te reirei ibukin karekean te kabwaia nakon abara. Te reirei ae nakoraoi e anganiia aomata n tatabemania nako te atatai, te konabwai, ao te aroaro are e kakorakoraia bwa a ana kona n anga aia ibuobuoki ae bongana nakon aia utu, baronga, ao bon rikiraken ara baronga n aomata. E kauki mataroa nakon angaraoi, e anganiia ara roronrikirake te angaraoi bwa a na kona n riki bwa taan beku aika a teimatoa tiaki ti nakon rikiraken ara aono ma ni kona naba n ibuobuoki nakon te raoi n te aonnaba ao te inanoi.

Ma tera ae kona ni karaoaki n te aro bwa te reirei i aon Kiribati e na roko ni kabanean rietatana? Teuana te bwai ae kakawaki bon karinaia aomata ni kabane n akea te kakaokoroaki—n taraia raoi bwa ataei ni kabane, n aki taraaki bwa a nako ma te te utu ke te aroaro ra, a na bane ni karekea te kabwaia ae titebo n reirei ao n rikirake. Ngkana ti waboboi otabwanin ike ataei a kona ni bane ni kabwaia, tia bon kateitea te baronga n aomata ae korakora ao e konamaki.

Teuana mwakoron te aki kakaokoroaki aio ae e rangi ni kakawaki bon kakoauaana bwa ataeinnaine ao ataeinimwane, n te aro ae boraoi, a kona ni karekea te reirei ae nakoraoi. Ngkana ti mwakuria raoi te katiteboaki aio, tia bon katea te tititem are e na kona ni karikiia aomata nako bwa ana rikirake ao ni kakabwaia, ao ti kamatoa te aa ibukin Kiribati ae tabomoa ao e katiteuanaki.

N Wiikin te Reirei aio, tia bane ni kabooi nanora ibukin katean te waaki n reirei are e na kona n kakorakoraia ataei ni kabane bwa ana tokanikai ao ni kona n anga baia n ibuobuoki nakon katean te aonnaba ae boraoi ao katiteuanaaki ibukiia ni kabane aomatan te aonnaba.

September 15, 2024
Education Week - Kiribati

Bikenibeu, Tarawa - 02 October 2024 - This week, as Kiribati celebrates Education Week, we reflect on the vital role education plays in shaping the future of our nation. A quality education equips individuals with knowledge, skills, and values that empower them to contribute meaningfully to their families, communities, and the progress of our society. […]

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Kiribati National Office


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